On moves, setups, and beginnings

On moves, setups, and beginnings
Here's to new beginnings.

Every time I moved house, I could feel myself getting closer to a point where I have no more house moves left in me. As I'm working my way through the intricacies of my gracious G-host-ly setup, and exorcising the CNAME domain records with old Linkin Park in my earphones, I realise - it might be the same with digital moves, too - I might not be ready to endure another one anytime soon. Who knows if websites are still a thing, by the time I'm ready to up sticks again?

Anyway: welcome. The writer is the same, and his physical setup - a screen and a desk in a home office in South Wales somewhere - is also similar to what it was before. My interests haven't changed much, either. This will still be my space on the web to write about learning, teaching, technology, pedagogy, play and philosophy.

But there will hopefully be more intensity to it all now. Partly because my uni course starts soon, and it should become an excuse to think and write more systematically - as I learn, as I research, and as I work on building learning and research. Partly because other distractions - house moves, side projects, and so on - have now been cleared away to make space for work and study.

And partly because I'm impatient to get going. Every day, all around me, new ideas about learning, teaching, development and play are published and discussed. Some are brilliant. Some are thought-provoking. Some are bullshit.

I don't know much about anything, but I do know a thing or two about how people learn. And I'm learning more every day. So I thought, let's give all this another go.

Here we are, and this is it. Welcome to Vic Work.

("The New Beginning" by tamasmatusik is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.)

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